domingo, 19 de junio de 2011


Protecting Client Systems
Any computer that is connected to the Internet faces a barrage of network-based threats in the form of malicious software attacks. These threats are growing in number and
sophistication every year, and as an enterprise support technician, you are responsible for protecting client systems from these evolving dangers.
As part of your company’s broad defense strategy, you need to know how to configure in Windows 7 the features whose purpose is to protect your clients. Specifically, you need
to know how to minimize the risk of damage from malware by implementing User Account Control (UAC) at an appropriate level, by using Windows Defender, and by removing
unwanted software if it is discovered.
Exam objective in this chapter:
Identify and resolve issues due to malicious software.
Lesson in this chapter:
Lesson 1: Resolving Malware Issues 195
Before You Begin
To perform the exercises in this chapter, you need:
A domain controller running Windows Server 2008 R2
A client computer running Windows 7 that is a member of the same domain
J.C. Mackin
I often hear people repeating a number of misconceptions about viruses and other
malware, and I’m convinced that these misconceptions have lulled users and
administrators into a false sense of security about the dangers their systems face.
Often these misconceptions are based on an accurate understanding of what was
the state of malware threats about 10 years ago. But the nature of these threats has
evolved significantly, and it continues to evolve. So in the interest of learning how best
to defend ourselves today, let’s deal with the most common of these misconceptions.
194 CHAPTER 5 Protecting Client Systems
“As long as you keep Windows updated, you’re fine.”
in applications as easily as they can be found in operating systems, and the
security holes in many of these can be exploited to completely compromise
a system. Microsoft Office applications in particular are often targeted.
Remember that your systems are not safe from exploits if you are keeping only
Windows updated.
“As long as you aren’t tricked into opening anything, you’re fine.”
Merely browsing to the wrong site, for example, can lead to a secret drive by
download of malicious software. Even worse, some of the most harmful
attacks come from Internet worms, which need no user involvement
whatsoever. It is still essential for users to avoid opening unknown software,
but this preventative measure alone is not enough to keep your systems safe
from infection.
“As long as you keep your antivirus software up to date and scan daily, you’re fine.”
of a sound client protection strategy, the sad truth is that such software has its
limitations. Malware developers who are serious about exploiting computers
naturally design their programs in a way that avoids detection by antivirus
solutions. For example, a rootkit is a relatively new type of malware that—so
far—few anti-malware applications have had good success in detecting. But
even more familiar types of malware can be designed to evade detection. As
a result, when your antivirus software fails to detect malware on a system, you
should know that the system still could very easily be infected.
These three misconceptions all have a common thread running through them: the
belief that you can protect your systems by adopting a small number of well-known
defenses against malware. In truth, adequately protecting client systems requires
your company to adopt a wide array of strategies that include effective software
updates, antivirus software, user education, firewalls, and most important of all,
effective management of these and other security features.
It’s certainly true that you need to keep Microsoft Windows updated, but
you need to keep all your software updated. Security l holes can be found
A long time ago, it was true that malicious software needed user assistance
to be installed on a system. Now, the situation is completely different.
This might be the most common of all misconceptions regarding malware.
While it’s true that a robust anti-malware solution is one of the essential pillars
Lesson 1: Resolving Malware Issues
The number of new malware applications being released today actually exceeds that of new
legitimate applications. As an enterprise support technician, you need to adequately protect
your clients from these mounting threats and know how to handle malware infections once
they are discovered.
Windows 7 includes two features that assist you in this fight against malware. User Account
Control (UAC) helps prevent programs from secretly altering protected areas of the operating
system, and Windows Defender scans your system for spyware and offers to remove any
unwanted software that is detected.
Though you will need to use additional applications such as Microsoft Forefront and
a managed anti-malware solution to protect your network, understanding how to use and
configure these built-in features of Windows 7 represents part of the essential skill set you
need on your job.
After this lesson, you will be able to:
Configure User Account Control (UAC) to display notifications in a way that
suits the needs of your organization.
Configure Windows Defender settings.
Detect and remove some malware manually in case your anti-malware
applications fail.
Estimated lesson time: 30 minutes
Understanding Malware
Malware is an umbrella term for many different types of unwanted software. It’s important
to understand the nature of these different threats, but it’s also important to recognize that
many malware applications blend features from more than one of these malware types.
The following list discusses the most common types of malware:
Virus A virus is a self-replicating program that can install itself on a target computer.
Viruses do not propagate over networks automatically; they need to be spread
through e-mail or another means. Once installed, viruses usually alter, damage,
or compromise a system in some way.
Worm A worm is a self-replicating program that can spread automatically over
a network without any help from a user or a program such as an e-mail client or Web
browser. Worms vary greatly in the potential damage they can cause. Some worms
simply replicate and do little other than consume network bandwidth. Others can be
used to compromise a system completely.
Trojan horse A Trojan horse is a program that is presented to users as a desirable
application but that is intentionally written to harm a system. Unlike viruses and
worms, Trojan horses do not copy themselves automatically or install themselves
automatically; they rely on users to install them.
Spyware Spyware is a type of privacy-invasive software that secretly records
information about user behavior, often for the purposes of market research. Typically
spyware is injected into a system when a user installs a free tool or visits a Web site
with browser security settings set to a low level. The most common function of such
spyware is to record the Web sites that a user visits. More rarely, some spyware, such
as keyloggers (which record every keystroke), can be installed deliberately by a third
party and be used to gather personal information. The biggest threat posed by most
spyware is system performance degradation. All types of spyware reduce system
performance by hijacking the resources of the computer for their own purposes. Unlike
viruses and worms, spyware does not self-replicate.
Adware Adware is similar to spyware and is often installed alongside it. The purpose
of adware is to display unsolicited advertisements to the user in the form of pop-up
windows or Web browser alterations. Adware can also download and install spyware.
The term spyware is often used as a general term for all unwanted software that runs in
the background and that gathers market research information, displays advertisements,
or alters the behavior of applications such as Web browsers. Microsoft uses the phrase
“spyware and potentially unwanted software” to refer to the type of software that is
unwanted but is not unambiguously harmful.
Backdoor A backdoor is a program that gives a remote, unauthorized party complete
control over a system by bypassing the normal authentication mechanism of that
system. Backdoors have been known to be installed by worms that exploit a weakness
in a well-known program. To protect your system against backdoors, it is essential to
keep your applications (not just your operating system) updated.
Rootkit A rootkit is a persistent type of malware that injects itself beneath the
application level and that as a result, tends to be much harder to detect from within
the operating system. A rootkit can alter the core functionality of the operating
system, or it can install itself as its own operating system invisible to the user and to
most anti-malware software. Other rootkits can operate at the firmware (BIOS) level.
Typically, a rootkit is used to provide a backdoor to a system.
Although malware has been proliferating in type and number, the defenses against these
threats have improved as well. When UAC is enabled in Windows 7, for example, a malware
application cannot install itself easily without the user's knowledge. This next section provides an
overview of UAC, which was introduced in Windows Vista and has been refined in Windows 7.
Understanding UAC
UAC is a set of security features designed to minimize the danger of running Windows as an
administrator and to maximize the convenience of running Windows as a standard user. In
versions of Windows before Windows Vista, the risks of logging on as an administrator were
significant, yet the practice of doing so was widespread. Meanwhile, running as a standard
user was generally safe, but the inconveniences prevented many from adopting the practice.
In versions of Windows before Windows Vista, malware could use the credentials of
a locally logged-on administrator to damage a system. For example, if you were logged
on to Windows XP as an administrator and unknowingly downloaded a Trojan horse from
a network source, this malware could use your administrative privileges to reformat your hard
disk drive, delete all your fi les, or create a hidden administrator account on the local system.
The main reason that users in previous versions of Windows often ran as administrators
despite these dangers is that many common tasks, such as installing an application or adding
a printer, required a user to have administrator privileges on the local machine. Because
in previous versions of Windows there was no easy way to log on as a standard user and
“elevate” to an administrator only when necessary, organizations whose users occasionally
needed administrator privileges simply tended to configure their users as administrators on
their local machines.
The term elevation is used when a user adopts administrator privileges to perform a task.
How Does UAC Address the Problem of Administrator Privileges?
UAC is the result of a new Windows security design in which both standard users and
administrators use the limited privileges of a standard user to perform most actions. When
users are logged on, UAC prompts them in different ways to confirm actions that make
important changes to the computer. If an administrator is logged on, the action is performed
only if he or she confirms it. If a standard user is logged on, the action is performed only if
he or she can provide administrator credentials. In both cases, the elevation to administrator level
privileges is temporary and used to perform only the action required. Through this new
system, UAC inhibits malware from secretly using a logged-on administrator’s privileges.
Understanding UAC Notifications for Administrators
By default, UAC is configured to notify administrators only when programs request elevation.
For example, administrators see UAC notification when they attempt to run a program
(such as Cmd.exe) at elevated administrator privileges, as shown in Figure 5-1. According to
this default setting, administrators in Windows 7 do not see a UAC notification when they
adjust Windows settings that require administrator privileges. Understanding UAC
UAC is a set of security features designed to minimize the danger of running Windows as an
administrator and to maximize the convenience of running Windows as a standard user. In
versions of Windows before Windows Vista, the risks of logging on as an administrator were
significant, yet the practice of doing so was widespread. Meanwhile, running as a standard
user was generally safe, but the inconveniences prevented many from adopting the practice.
In versions of Windows before Windows Vista, malware could use the credentials of
a locally logged-on administrator to damage a system. For example, if you were logged
on to Windows XP as an administrator and unknowingly downloaded a Trojan horse from
a network source, this malware could use your administrative privileges to reformat your hard
disk drive, delete all your fi les, or create a hidden administrator account on the local system.
The main reason that users in previous versions of Windows often ran as administrators
despite these dangers is that many common tasks, such as installing an application or adding
a printer, required a user to have administrator privileges on the local machine. Because
in previous versions of Windows there was no easy way to log on as a standard user and
“elevate” to an administrator only when necessary, organizations whose users occasionally
needed administrator privileges simply tended to configure their users as administrators on
their local machines.
The term elevation is used when a user adopts administrator privileges to perform a task.
How Does UAC Address the Problem of Administrator Privileges?
UAC is the result of a new Windows security design in which both standard users and
administrators use the limited privileges of a standard user to perform most actions. When
users are logged on, UAC prompts them in different ways to confirm actions that make
important changes to the computer. If an administrator is logged on, the action is performed
only if he or she confirms it. If a standard user is logged on, the action is performed only if
he or she can provide administrator credentials. In both cases, the elevation to administrator level
privileges is temporary and used to perform only the action required. Through this new
system, UAC inhibits malware from secretly using a logged-on administrator’s privileges.
Understanding UAC Notifications for Administrators
By default, UAC is configured to notify administrators only when programs request elevation.
For example, administrators see UAC notification when they attempt to run a program
(such as Cmd.exe) at elevated administrator privileges, as shown in Figure 5-1. According to
this default setting, administrators in Windows 7 do not see a UAC notification when they
adjust Windows settings that require administrator privileges.
FIGURE 5-1 Opening an elevated command prompt
For administrators, the default behavior of UAC in Windows 7 has changed significantly
from that in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. In those operating systems, UAC
generated a prompt by default whenever any type of elevation was requested, including
when an administrator attempted to change Windows settings. Administrators see UAC
prompts less frequently in Windows 7.
The UAC notification that normally appears for administrators is called a consent prompt
and is shown in Figure 5-2. Note that by default, the entire screen darkens when the
notification appears and freezes until the user responds to the prompt. This feature is called
the Secure Desktop and can be disabled.
The point of UAC notifications is to alert users when malware might be harming your
computer. If malware were to request elevation for a particular purpose, it too would
generate a notification such as the one shown in Figures 5-2 or 5-3. Consequently,
an essential factor in the ability of UAC to thwart malware is appropriate user response. You
need to educate users—and gently remind your fellow administrators—that they should
click No or Cancel whenever they see a UAC notification message that they did not initiate.
FIGURE 5-2 By default, UAC displays a consent prompt on a Secure Desktop to administrators who
request to run a program with elevation.
Understanding UAC Notifications for Standard Users
The UAC notifications shown to standard users are distinct from those shown to
administrators in that the notifications for standard users prompt these users to provide
administrator credentials. As with administrators, standard users by default receive UAC
notifications when they attempt to run a program such as a command prompt at elevated
privileges, or when a program independently requests elevation. In addition, standard users
by default receive UAC notifications when they attempt to make changes on the system that
require administrator privileges. For example, if standard users open the System page in
Control Panel and click Remote Settings, they see the credential prompt shown in Figure 5-3.
Although UAC in Windows 7 offers many notification levels that did not exist in Windows
Vista or Windows Server 2008, the default behavior for standard users is the same.
Whenever standard users attempt to make a change that requires administrator privileges,
a credential prompt appears on a Secure Desktop.
FIGURE 5-3 By default, UAC displays a credential prompt on a Secure Desktop to standard users who
request elevation.
Configuring UAC in Control Panel
In a domain environment, it is recommended that UAC be controlled centrally by Group
Policy instead of by configuration settings on each local machine. However, in workgroup
environments or in domain environments in which Group Policy allows local UAC
configuration, you can configure UAC through Control Panel.
To configure UAC in Control Panel, perform the following steps:
1. In Control Panel, click System and Security.
2. Under Action Center, click Change User Account Control Settings, as shown in Figure 5-4.
FIGURE 5-4 You can access UAC settings through the Action Center.
This step opens the User Account Settings window, one version of which is shown in
Figure 5-5. Note that the set of options that appears is different for administrators and
standard users, and that each user type has a different default setting.
FIGURE 5-5 UAC allows you to choose among four notification levels.
3. Choose one of the following notification levels:
Always Notify This level is the default for standard users, and it configures UAC
to act as it does in Windows Vista. At this level, users are notified whenever any
changes that require administrator privileges are attempted on the system.
Notify Me Only When Programs Try To Make Changes To My Computer This
level is the default for administrators and is not available for standard users.
At this level, administrators are not notified when they make changes that require
administrator privileges. However, users are notified through a consent prompt
when a program requests elevation.
Always Notify Me (And Do Not Dim My Desktop) This level is not available for
administrators. It is similar to the default setting for standard users, except that at
this particular level, the Secure Desktop is never displayed. Disabling the Secure
Desktop tends to reduce protection against malware, but it improves the user
experience. This setting might be suitable for standard users who very frequently
need to request elevation.
Notify Me Only When Programs Try To Make Changes To My Computer
(Do Not Dim The Desktop) This level is available for both standard users
and administrators. At this level, the behavior is the same as with the default
administrator level (“Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my
computer”), but with this option the Secure Desktop is not displayed.
Never Notify This level disables notifications in UAC. Users are not notified of
any changes made to Windows settings or when software is installed. This option is
appropriate only when you need to use programs that are incompatible with UAC.
4. Click OK.
Configuring UAC Through Group Policy
You can configure UAC through Local Security Policy or Group Policy settings. To find
UAC-related policy settings in a GPO, navigate to the following node:
Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies
\Security Options
This location is shown in Figure 5-6.
FIGURE 5-6 You can find UAC settings in Security Options in a GPO or in Local Security Policy
The following 10 UAC-related policy settings are available. The next section describes each
of these configurable settings.
User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode For The Built-in Administrator
Account This policy applies only to the built-in Administrator account, and not to
other accounts that are members of the local Administrators group. When you enable
this policy setting, the built-in Administrator account sees UAC notifications just as other
administrative accounts do. When you disable the setting, the built-in Administrator
account behaves just like it does in Windows XP, and all processes run using
Administrator privileges. This setting is disabled in Local Security Policy by default.
User Account Control: Allow UIAccess Applications to Prompt For Elevation Without
Using The Secure Desktop This setting controls whether user Interface Accessibility
(UIAccess) programs can disable the Secure Desktop automatically. When enabled,
UIAccess applications (such as Remote Assistance) automatically disable the Secure
Desktop for elevation prompts. Disabling the Secure Desktop causes elevation prompts to
appear on the standard desktop. By default, this setting is disabled in Local Security Policy.
User Account Control: Behavior Of The Elevation Prompt For Administrators In
Admin Approval Mode This policy setting controls the behavior of the elevation
prompt for administrators. Six options are available:
Elevate Without Prompting With this option, administrators never see elevation
Prompt For Credentials On The Secure Desktop When this option is chosen,
administrators see credential prompts on a Secure Desktop when elevation is
Prompt For Consent On The Secure Desktop With this option, administrators
see a consent prompt on a Secure Desktop when elevation is requested.
Prompt For Credentials When this option is selected, administrators see
a credential prompt on a normal desktop when elevation is requested.
Prompt For Consent When this option is selected, administrators see a consent
prompt on a normal desktop when elevation is requested.
Prompt For Consent For Non-Windows Binaries This option is the default
setting in Local Security Policy. It causes a consent prompt to appear any time
an application requests elevation.
User Account Control: Behavior Of The Elevation Prompt For Standard Users This
policy setting controls the behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users. Three
options are available:
Automatically Deny Elevation Requests When this option is enforced, standard
users are not able to perform tasks that require elevation.
Prompt For Credentials On The Secure Desktop With this option (the default
setting in Local Security Policy), standards users see a credential prompt on the
Secure Desktop when elevation is requested.
Prompt For Credentials When this option is chosen, standard users see
a credential prompt on the normal desktop whenever elevation is requested.
User Account Control: Detect Application Installations And Prompt For
Elevation When enabled, this policy setting configures UAC to prompt for
administrative credentials when the user attempts to install an application that
makes changes to protected aspects of the system. When disabled, the prompt won’t
appear. Domain environments that use delegated installation technologies such as
Group Policy Software Install (GPSI) or Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS)
can disable this feature safely because installation processes can escalate privileges
automatically without user intervention. By default, this setting is enabled in Local
Security Policy.
User Account Control: Only Elevate Executables That Are Signed And
Validated When this policy setting is enabled, Windows 7 refuses to run any
executable that isn’t signed with a trusted certificate, such as a certificate generated
by an internal Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). When disabled, this policy setting allows
users to run any executable, potentially including malware. If your environment
requires all applications to be signed and validated with a trusted certificate, including
internally developed applications, you can enable this policy to increase security
greatly in your organization. This setting is disabled in Local Security Policy by default.
User Account Control: Only Elevate UIAccess Applications That Are Installed In
Secure Locations When enabled, this policy setting causes Windows 7 to grant
user interface access only to those applications that are started from Program Files
or subfolders, from Program Files (x86) or subfolders, or from \Windows\System32\.
When disabled, the policy setting grants user interface access to applications
regardless of where they are started in the fi le structure. This policy setting is enabled
by default in Local Security Policy.
User Account Control: Run All Administrators In Admin Approval Mode This
policy setting, enabled by default in Local Security Policy, causes all accounts with
administrator privileges except for the local Administrator account to see consent
prompts when elevation is requested. If you disable this setting, administrators never
see consent prompts and the Security Center displays a warning message.
User Account Control: Switch To The Secure Desktop When Prompting For
Elevation The Secure Desktop is a feature that darkens the screen and freezes
all activity except for the UAC prompt. It reduces the possibility that malware can
function, but some users might find that the feature slows down their work too much.
When enabled, this policy setting causes the Secure Desktop to appear with a UAC
prompt. When disabled, this policy setting allows UAC prompts to appear on a normal
desktop. This policy setting is enabled by default in Local Security Policy.
User Account Control: Virtualize File And Registry Write Failures To Per-User
Locations This policy setting, enabled by default in Local Security Policy, improves
compatibility with applications not developed for UAC by redirecting requests for
protected resources. When disabled, this policy setting allows applications not
developed for UAC to fail.
Disabling UAC Through Local or Group Policy
To force UAC to a disabled state, you can use Local Security Policy or Group Policy. First, set
the User Account Control: Behavior Of The Elevation Prompt For Administrator In Admin
Approval Mode setting to Elevate Without Prompting. Then, disable the User Account
Control: Detect Application Installations And Prompt For Elevation and User Account Control:
Run All Administrators In Admin Approval Mode settings. Finally, set User Account Control:
Behavior Of The Elevation Prompt For Standard Users setting to Automatically Deny Elevation
Requests. Then, restart the computers on which you want to apply the new settings.
Best Practices for Using UAC
To receive the security benefits of UAC while minimizing the costs, follow these best practices:
Leave UAC enabled for client computers in your organization.
Have all users—especially IT staff—log on with standard user privileges.
Each user should have a single account with only standard user privileges. Do not give
standard domain users accounts with administrator privileges to their local computers.
Domain administrators should have two accounts: a standard user account that they
use to log on to their computers, and a second administrator account that they can use
to elevate privileges.
Train users not to approve a UAC prompt if it appears unexpectedly. UAC prompts
should appear only when the user is installing an application or starting a tool that
requires elevated privileges. A UAC prompt that appears at any other time might have
been initiated by malware. Rejecting the prompt helps prevent malware from making
permanent changes to the computer.
Quick Check
Which Group Policy setting could you enable to prevent executables from
running if they aren’t signed with a trusted certificate?
Quick Check Answer
User Account Control: Only Elevate Executables That Are Signed And Validated
Whereas UAC is a set of features that broadly aims to protect core areas of the operating
system, another Windows 7 tool—Windows Defender—has a much narrower goal of
detecting and removing unwanted software.
Protecting Clients from Spyware with Windows Defender
Windows Defender is a tool in Windows 7 whose purpose is to detect and remove spyware
on a client system. By default, Windows Defender is configured to download new spyware
definitions regularly through Windows Update and then use these definitions to scan for
spyware on the local system. Often, you do not need to change this default configuration,
though in large networks you might want to disable some Windows Defender features
through Group Policy.
Windows Defender is a basic anti-malware program that is suitable for use in small
networks or as a temporary solution before an advanced anti-malware solution is
purchased. In large networks, you should use a centrally managed anti-malware solution
such as Microsoft Forefront Client Security.
To view Windows Defender, open Control Panel, select View By Large Icons, and then scroll
down to click Windows Defender, as shown in Figure 5-7. (Alternatively, you can click Start,
type windows defender, and select Windows Defender in the Start menu.)
FIGURE 5-7 Opening Windows Defender
Windows Defender is shown in Figure 5-8.
By default, Windows Defender provides two types of protection:
Automatic scanning Windows Defender is configured by default to download new
definitions and then perform a quick scan for spyware at 2 A.M. daily.
Real-time protection With this feature, Windows Defender constantly monitors
computer usage in areas such as the Startup folder, the Run keys in the registry, and
Windows add-ons. If an application attempts to make a change to one of these areas,
Windows Defender prompts the user either to Permit (allow) or Deny (block) the change.
FIGURE 5-8 Windows Defender automatically checking for spyware
Besides providing this automatic functionality, Windows Defender also lets you perform
a manual scan of the system. You can start a manual scan by selecting Quick Scan, Full Scan,
or Custom Scan from the Scan menu, as shown in Figure 5-9.
FIGURE 5-9 Performing a manual scan in Windows Defender
These three scan types are described in the following list:
Quick Scan This type of scan scans only the areas of a computer most likely to be
infected by spyware or other potentially unwanted software. These areas include the
computer’s memory and portions of the registry that link to startup applications.
A quick scan is sufficient to detect most spyware.
Full Scan This type of scan scans every fi le on the computer, including common types
of fi le archives and applications already loaded in the computer’s memory. A full scan
typically takes several hours and can even take more than a day. You need to run a full
scan only if you suspect that a user’s computer is infected with unwanted software
after the quick scan is run.
Custom Scan Custom scans begin with a quick scan and then perform a detailed scan
on the specific portions of a computer that you choose.
Although scans slow the computer down, a user can continue to work on the computer
while a scan is in progress. Note also that scans consume battery power on mobile
computers very quickly.
Handling Detected Spyware
If Windows Defender finds spyware or potentially unwanted software as a result of a scan,
it displays a warning and provides you with four options for each item detected:
Ignore This option allows the detected software to remain untouched on your
computer and stay detectable by Windows Defender whenever the next scan is
performed. This option might be appropriate when you need to research the software
that Windows Defender has found before you decide to remove it.
Quarantine This option isolates the detected software. When Windows Defender
quarantines software, it moves it to another location on your computer and then
prevents the software from running until you choose to restore it or remove it from
your computer. This option is used most often when the detected software cannot be
removed successfully.
Remove This option deletes the detected software from your computer. You should
choose this option unless you have a compelling reason not to.
Always Allow The option adds the software to the Windows Defender Allowed list
and allows it to run on your computer. Windows Defender stops alerting you to actions
taken by the program. You should choose this option only if you trust the software and
the software publisher.
Configuring Windows Defender Through Group Policy
In an AD DS environment, it is recommended that you configure clients by using Group
Policy instead of individually on each machine. To find the Group Policy settings for Windows
Defender, open a GPO and navigate to Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative
Templates\Windows Components\Windows Defender, as shown in Figure 5-10.
FIGURE 5-10 Group Policy settings for Windows Defender
The following seven policy settings for Windows Defender are available:
Turn On Definition Updates Through Both WSUS And Windows Update If you
enable or do not configure this policy setting and the Automatic Updates client is
configured to point to a WSUS server, Windows Defender obtains definition updates
from Windows Update if connections to that WSUS server fail. If you disable this
setting, Windows Defender checks for updates only according to the setting defined for the Automatic Updates client—either by using an internal WSUS server or
Windows Update.
Turn On Definition Updates Through Both WSUS And The Microsoft Malware
Protection Center If you enable or do not configure this policy setting and the
Automatic Updates client is configured to point to a WSUS server, Windows Defender
checks for definition updates from both WSUS and the Microsoft Malware Protection
Center if connections to that WSUS server fail. If you disable this setting, Windows
Defender checks for updates only according to the setting defined for the Automatic
Updates client—either by using an internal WSUS server or Windows Update.
Check For New Signatures Before Scheduled Scans If you enable this policy setting,
Windows Defender always checks for new definitions before it begins a scheduled
scan of the computer. When you disable or do not configure this setting, Windows
Defender does not check for new definitions immediately before beginning
scheduled scans.
Turn Off Windows Defender If you enable this policy setting, Windows Defender no
longer performs any real-time or scheduled scans. (However, users can still perform
manual scans.) You should enable this setting if you have implemented a more
advanced anti-spyware solution such as Microsoft Forefront Client Security. If you
disable or do not configure this policy setting, Windows Defender performs both
real-time scans and any scheduled scans.
Turn Off Real-Time Monitoring If you enable this policy setting, Windows Defender
does not automatically prompt users to allow or block activity in protected areas of
the operating system. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, by default
Windows Defender prompts users to allow or block potential spyware activity on their
Turn Off Routinely Taking Action If you enable this policy setting, Windows
Defender only prompts the user to choose how to respond to a threat but not to take
any automatic action. If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, Windows
Defender automatically takes action on detected threats after approximately 10 minutes.
Configure Microsoft SpyNet Reporting SpyNet is an online community that pools
information about threats experienced by its members. SpyNet learns from the user
responses to these threats to determine which threats are benign and which are
If you enable this policy setting and choose the "No Membership" option, SpyNet
membership is disabled, and no information is sent to Microsoft. If you enable this
policy setting and choose the "Advanced" option, SpyNet membership is set to
Advanced, and information about detected threats and the responses to those threats
is sent to Microsoft.
If you disable or do not configure this policy setting, SpyNet membership is disabled
by default, but local users can change the membership setting.
When a computer has become severely infected with malware, the computer might run
so slowly that it’s difficult to perform an anti-malware scan. In this case, it’s a good idea
to perform an offline scan from a bootable CD if you have one available. By performing
the scan outside of Windows, you avoid running the malware programs that consume
resources and slow down the system.
Best Practices for Using Windows Defender
To receive the security benefits of Windows Defender while minimizing the costs, follow these
best practices:
Before deploying Windows 7, test all applications with Windows Defender enabled
to ensure that Windows Defender does not alert users to normal changes that the
application might make. If a legitimate application does cause warnings, add the
application to the Windows Defender Allowed list.
Change the scheduled scan time to meet the needs of your business. By default,
Windows Defender scans at 2 A.M. If third-shift staff uses computers overnight, you
might want to find a better time to perform the scan. If users turn off their computers
when they are not in the office, you should schedule the scan to occur during the day.
Use WSUS to manage and distribute signature updates.
Use antivirus software with Windows Defender. Alternatively, you might disable
Windows Defender completely and use client-security software that provides both
anti-spyware and antivirus functionality.
Do not deploy Windows Defender in large enterprises. Instead, use Forefront or
a third-party client-security suite that can be managed more easily in enterprise
For more information about Windows Defender, visit the Windows Defender Virtual Lab
Express at
Determining When Your System Is Infected with Malware
As an enterprise support technician, you need to know how to recognize the symptoms of
a malware infection on your client computers. Then, if your antivirus and anti-spyware are not
functioning or not detecting any malware, you need to know how to remove malware manually.
Here are a few common signs of a computer being infected by a virus, worm, or Trojan
Sluggish computer performance
Unusual error messages
Distorted menus and dialog boxes
Antivirus software repeatedly turning itself off
Screen freezing
Computer crashing
Computer restarting
Applications not functioning correctly
Inaccessible disk drives, or a CD-ROM drive that automatically opens and closes
Notification messages that an application has attempted to contact you from the
Unusual audio sounds
Printing problems
Note that, although these are common signs of infection, these symptoms might also
indicate other types of hardware or software problems that are unrelated to malware.
Signs of a spyware infection tend to be slightly different from those of other types of
malware. If you see any of the following symptoms, suspect spyware:
A new, unexpected application appears.
Unexpected icons appear in the system tray.
Unexpected notifications appear near the system tray.
The Web browser home page, default search engine, or favorites change.
New toolbars appear, especially in Web browsers.
The mouse pointer changes.
The Web browser displays additional advertisements when visiting a Web page,
or pop-up advertisements appear when the user is not using the Web.
When the user attempts to visit a Web page, she is redirected to a completely different
Web page.
The computer runs more slowly than usual.
Some spyware might not have any noticeable symptoms, but it still might compromise
private information.
How to Resolve Malware Infections
The most important way to resolve malware infections is to prevent them in the first place
by running antivirus and anti-spyware programs daily with the latest virus and spyware
definitions. If malware is discovered on a system, use the application to remove the malware
if possible and quarantine it if not. If it is a new malware program, you might need to run
a removal tool or perform a series of steps to remove it manually.
These steps naturally apply to malware that is detected. However, as important as it is to
remember to use antivirus and anti-spyware daily, it is just as important to remember that
no anti-malware application is foolproof. Many malware programs are in fact written around
anti-malware software so that they cannot be detected. And if even a single malicious feature
remains after a scan, that remaining malware program can install other malware programs.
If you suspect a problem related to malware after running antivirus and anti-spyware
applications with the latest definitions, take the following steps:
1. If you notice changes to Windows Internet Explorer, such as unwanted add-ons
or a new home page, use Control Panel to look for and uninstall any unnecessary
2. Use the Startup tab of the System Configuration utility (Msconfi g.exe) to clear any
unnecessary startup programs. Note the Registry entry associated with any of these
programs. (You can use this Registry information to delete the associated Registry keys
if necessary.) Use the Services tab to disable any unnecessary services.
3. Open Task Manager. Note any unusual services listed on the Services tab or unusual
processes listed on the Processes tab. (Be sure to click Show Processes From All Users
so you can see all running processes.) Use the Go To Process option on the Services
tab and the Go To Service(s) option on the Processes tab to help learn the connection
between services and processes that are unknown to you. Then, perform Web searches
on services and processes that lack descriptions or that otherwise seem suspicious.
If you can determine from your research that any services or processes are associated
with malware, right-click them to stop them. Then, in the Services console, disable the
associated service so that it cannot run again.
4. Open the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe). Navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\
Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. In the details pane, note any Registry values associated
with unwanted started programs. Write the path names provided to the target fi les in
the Data column, as shown in Figure 5-11, and then delete the Registry values. Then,
navigate to HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and do the same.
FIGURE 5-11 Copy down the path names to files associated with unwanted startup programs,
and then delete the Registry values.
5. Using the path name information that you copied in step 4, visit these locations in the
Windows fi le structure and delete the target fi les.
6. If you still see signs of malware, install an additional anti-spyware and antivirus
application from a known and trusted vendor. Your chances of removing all traces of
malware increase by using multiple applications, but you should not configure multiple
applications to provide real-time protection.
7. If problems persist, shut down the computer and use the Startup Repair tool to
perform a System Restore. Restore the computer to a date prior to the malware
infection. System Restore typically removes any startup settings that cause malware
applications to run, but it does not remove the executable fi les themselves. Do this
only as a last resort: Although System Restore does not remove a user’s personal fi les,
it can cause problems with recently installed or configured applications.

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